The CoYuTe-15 dataset for 15N1H3


Spectroscopic Model

CoYuTe-15: line list

Ro-vibrational list for 15NH3, 0-10000 cm-1.


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Bowesman, C.A., Brady, R.P., Guest, E.R., Kefala, K., Mitev, G.B., Owens, A., Perri, A.N., Pezzella, M., Smola, O., Solokov, A. Zhang, J., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LX. Molecular line list for the ammonia isotopologue 15NH3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533, 3442-3456 (2024). [link to article]

CoYuTe-15: partition function

Ro-vibrational list for 15NH3, 0-10000 cm-1.


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Bowesman, C.A., Brady, R.P., Guest, E.R., Kefala, K., Mitev, G.B., Owens, A., Perri, A.N., Pezzella, M., Smola, O., Solokov, A. Zhang, J., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LX. Molecular line list for the ammonia isotopologue 15NH3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533, 3442-3456 (2024). [link to article]

CoYuTe-15: opacity

Ro-vibrational list for 15NH3, 0-10000 cm-1.


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Bowesman, C.A., Brady, R.P., Guest, E.R., Kefala, K., Mitev, G.B., Owens, A., Perri, A.N., Pezzella, M., Smola, O., Solokov, A. Zhang, J., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LX. Molecular line list for the ammonia isotopologue 15NH3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533, 3442-3456 (2024). [link to article]