Ames-2016 “natural” CO2 Line List at 3000 K, with natural terrestrial abundances, J=0-150. natural.3000K.list.from.reduced.1E-23.0.99.further.reduced.tgz (4.77 GB) Data format: #iso, freq (cm-1), S(3000K), S(296K), A21, Elow(cm-1), J’, J”, (123)’, (123)”, parity (upper lower) 21 63.81379 0.1193E-28 0.9733E-55 0.1315E-05 15572.53638 92 93 1 8 3 0 6 4 + - (for 727 and 737, the last integer “1” or “2” refers to symmetry) Ames-2016 12C16O2 Line List at 4000K, 100% 626, J=0-220. co2.626.4000K.1E-30.J0-220.dat.reduced.S296-A21 (3.17 GB) Data format: #iso(626) freq(cm-1) S(296K), A21, Elow(cm-1), P/Q/R, J”, (123)’, (123)” 21 53.754960 2.131E-55 1.122E-07 14906.002 P 76 0 7 3 0 2 5 Ames-2016 CO2 Line Lists for 13 isotopologues at 1000K (External Lists, all 100% abundances) Data format: See Table 2 in Huang et al, JQSRT 147, 134-144 (2014) Ames-2016 CO2 Line Lists for 13 isotopologues at 296K (External Lists, all 100% abundances) References: X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, R.S. Freedman, and T.J. Lee, Ames-2016 Line Lists for 13 Isotopologues of CO2: Updates, Consistency, and Remaining Issues Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopic and Radiative Transfer 203, 224-241 (2017). [link to article] (open access) X. Huang, R.R. Gamache, R.S. Freedman, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee: Reliable infrared line lists for 13 CO2 isotopologues up to E'=18,000 cm-1 and 1500 K, with line shape parameters Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopic and Radiative Transfer 147, 134-144 (2014). [link to article]