=============================================================================== ExoMol molecular line lists: IX The spectrum of AlO MRNAS 2015 A.T. Patrascu, S. N. Yurchenko and J. Tennyson Accurate line lists are calculated for aluminium monoxide covering the pure rotation, rotation-vibration and electronic (B - X blue-green and A - X infrared bands) spectrum. Line lists are presented for the four isotopologues of AlO. These line lists are suitable for high temperatures (up to 8000 K) including those relevant to exoplanetary atmospheres and cool stars. A combination of empirical and ab initio methods is used: the potential energy curves were previously determined to high accuracy by fitting to extensive data from analysis of laboratory spectra; a high quality ab initio dipole moment curve is calculated using quadruple zeta basis set and the multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) method. Partition functions plus full line lists of transitions are made available in an electronic form as supplementary data to this article and at www.exomol.com. Description: The data for each isotopologue are in two parts. The first, .states contains a list of rovibronic states. Each state is labelled with the total angular momentum, state degeneracy, total parity, vibrational quantum number, projection of the electronic, spin and total angular momenta. Each state has a unique number, which is the number of the row in which it appears in the file. This number is the means by which the state is related to the second part of the data system, the transitions files. The transition files contain three columns: the reference number in the energy file of the upper state; that of the lower state; and the Einstein A coefficient of the transition. Partition functions for each isotopologue from 10 - 9000 K in steps of 10 K are also provided in .pf files and consist of two columns (T/K followed by Q). A sample programme to generate synthetic spectra from the ExoMol format line lists can be obtained at www.exomol.com. File Summary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATP__README.txt This file 26Al-16O__ATP.states Labelled rovibronic states for Al(26)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.states Labelled rovibronic states for Al(27)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.states Labelled rovibronic states for Al(27)O(17) 27Al-18O__ATP.states Labelled rovibronic states for Al(27)O(18) 26Al-16O__ATP.trans Transition file for Al(26)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.trans Transition file for Al(27)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.trans Transition file for Al(27)O(17) 27Al-18O__ATP.trans Transition file for Al(27)O(18) 26Al-16O__ATP.pf Partition Function for Al(26)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.pf Partition Function for Al(27)O(16) 27Al-17O__ATP.pf Partition Function for Al(27)O(17) 27Al-18O__ATP.pf Partition Function for Al(27)O(18) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of files .trans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 12 i12 --- N' Upper state ID 14- 25 i12 --- N" Lower state ID 27- 36 e10.4 s-1 A Einstein A-coefficient of the transition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of files .states ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 12 i12 --- N State ID, non-negative integer index 14- 25 i12 cm-1 E State energy term value in cm-1 27- 32 i6 --- g Total state degeneracy 34- 40 f7.1 --- J [0/39] J-quantum number J$ is the total angular momentum excluding nuclear spin 42- 42 a1 --- +/- Total parity 44- 44 a1 --- e/f Rotationless-parity 46- 53 a10 --- State Notation of the electronic state 57- 59 i3 --- v State vibrational quantum number 62- 62 i1 --- |Lambda| Absolute value of projection of electonic angular momentum 64- 70 f7.1 --- |\Sigma| Absolute value of projection of the electronic spin 72- 78 f7.1 --- |\Omega| Absolute value of projection of the total angular momentum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: S.N. Yurchenko, s.yurchenko@ucl.ac.uk J. Tennyson, j.tennyson@ucl.ac.uk ===============================================================================