================================================================================ ExoMol converted C2 database - Geronimo Villanueva (NASA/GSFC) Feb/2019 ================================================================================ Brook J, Bernath P, Schmidt T. Line strengths and updated molecular constants for the C2 Swan system. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 124, 11-20(2013) ================================================================================ Format description of states files: C2.states -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Format Unit Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID I12 --- state ID E F13.6 cm-1 state energy gtot I8 --- total state degeneracy J I8 --- total angular momentum quantum number F I4 --- F quantum number p A4 --- parity: 'e' or 'f' v I3 --- vibrational quantum number eS A11 --- electronic state Format description of partition-function files: C2.pf Nuclear statistical weight = 1 -> gtot=1(2J+1) Generated by Yurchenko et al. (8states ab-initio database) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Format Unit Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temp F8.1 K Temperature Qtot F17.4 --- Total partition function Format description of transitions files: C2.trans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Format Unit Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDu I12 --- upper state ID IDl I13 --- lower state ID Aul E11.4 s-1 Einstein A-factor freq F17.6 cm-1 Frequency of the transition in air