is a table of H2-induced pressure broadening coefficients for carbon monoxide, CO. The 6 columns are: J' J" Transition frequency (GHz) gamma_0 (MHz/Torr) beta (dimensionless) where J' and J" are the rotational quantum numbers in the upper and lower states respectively, and the broadening coefficient, gamma_0 is given at the reference temperature, T0 = 296 K, with its temperature exponent beta: gamma = gamma_0 (T/T0)^beta Note that the data are only to be considered valid in the temperature range 200 <= T <= 3000 K. These data were published in the article: [1] A. Faure, L. Weisenfeld, B. J. Drouin, J. Tennyson, "Pressure broadening of water and carbon monoxide transitions by molecular hydrogen at high temperatures", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 116, 79-86 (2013).