A High Accuracy Computed Water Line List for the HDO Molecule B. A. Voronin, J. Tennyson, R. N. Tolchenov, A. A. Lugovskoy and S. N. Yurchenko, Mon. Not R. Astron. Soc. 402, 492-496 (2010). Dept of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK; Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Russia, Tomsk, av Academichekii 1 The states and transitions files are given in ExoMol format; because of the large number of transitions involved, these are split into 16 files with names 1H-2H-16O__VTT__-.trans. Byte-by-byte description of energy levels file: 1H-2H-16O__VTT.states ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte Format Units Explanation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 12 I12 --- Level [1,163491] Integer ID of the level 14 - 25 F12.6 cm-1 E [0.,30000.] Energy of the level 27 - 32 I6 --- g_tot Total statistical degeneracy of the level 34 - 40 I7 --- J [0,50] Total angular momentum quantum number 42 A1 --- par Total parity 44 - 45 I2 --- Gamma Symmetry block ID 47 - 56 I10 --- N Index within the symmetry block 58 - 59 A2 --- Gamma_rve Total symmetry species (A' or A") 61 - 62 I2 --- v1 Vibrational quantum number for nu1 64 - 65 I2 --- v2 Vibrational quantum number for nu2 67 - 68 I2 --- v3 Vibrational quantum number for nu3 70 - 71 I2 --- Ka Rotational quantum number 73 - 74 I2 --- Kc Rotational quantum number ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of transitions files: 1H-2H-16O__VTT__*.trans ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte Format Units Explanation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 12 I12 --- Level1 Reference level in Energy Level File 14 - 25 I12 --- Level2 Reference level in Energy Level File 27 - 36 E10.4 s-1 A Einstein A coefficient ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] B. A. Voronin, J. Tennyson, R. N. Tolchenov, A. A. Lugovskoy and S. N. Yurchenko, Mon. Not R. Astron. Soc. 402, 492-496 (2010).:if expand("%") == ""|browse confirm w|else|confirm w|endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: J. Tennyson j.tennyson@ucl.ac.uk B.A.Voronin vba@iao.ru -----------------------------------------------------------------------