1H2-16O__VT.pf is the partition function for (1H)2(16O) from Vidler and Tennyson[1], for temperatures between 10 K and 6000 K. The partition function is calculated including the nuclear spin degeneracy factor (gns = 3, 1 for ortho-H2O and para-H2O respectively). The four columns are those of Table II in Ref [1]: T temperature in K Qint internal partition sum Qint' first moment of Qint, T(dQint/dT) Qint" second moment of Qint, T^2 (d^2Qint/dT^2) + 2Qint' [1] Vidler and Tennyson, "Accurate Partition Function and Thermodynamic Data for Water", J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9766 (2000)