Neale, Miller and Tennyson line list for the H3+ molecule-ion ------------------------------------------------------------- These files, based on Ref. [1], are in standard ExoMol format: =============================================================================== 1H3_p__NMT.states =============================================================================== i I12 --- state ID E F12.6 cm-1 state energy gtot I6 --- total state degeneracy(1) J F7.1 --- total angular momentum quantum number (excluding nuclear spin). =============================================================================== (1) Where the degeneracy is not known, this field contains a single asterisk ('*') - in this case, the weighted mean value, 8/3 should be used. =============================================================================== 1H3_p__NMT.trans =============================================================================== i' I12 --- upper state ID i" I12 --- lower state ID A ES10.4 s-1 Einstein A-factor =============================================================================== References ---------- [1] L. Neale, S. Miller, and J. Tennyson, "Spectroscopic properties of the H3+ molecule: a new calculated line list", Astrophys. J. 464, 516-520 (1996).