Line list for the rovibrational spectrum of (1H)(13C)(14N) / (1H)(14N)(13C), published in Ref. [1], in standard Exomol format. Missing or unknown values for fields are indicated by a single asterisk (*). The .states and .trans files contain the following fields: =============================================================================== 1H-13C-14N__Larner.states =============================================================================== i I12 --- state ID E F12.6 cm-1 state energy gtot I6 --- total state degeneracy(1) J I7 --- total angular momentum quantum number (excluding nuclear spin) par A1 --- total parity: '+' or '-' kp A1 --- "Kronig" rotationless parity: 'e' or 'f' iso I1 --- iso=0 for HCN, iso=1 for HNC, where known v1 I3 --- v1 vibrational quantum number v2 I3 --- v2 vibrational quantum number l2 I3 --- l2 vibrational angular momentum quantum number v3 I3 --- v3 vibrational quantum number =============================================================================== (1) including a nuclear spin degeneracy factor, g_ns = 12 =============================================================================== 1H-13C-14N__Larner.trans =============================================================================== i' I12 --- upper state ID i" I12 --- lower state ID A ES10.4 s-1 Einstein A-factor nu F12.6 cm-1 transition wavenumber =============================================================================== [1] G. J. Harris, F. C. Larner, J. Tennyson, B. M. Kaminsky, Ya. V. Pavlenko, H. R. A. Jones, A H13CN/HN13C linelist, model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for carbon stars, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 390, 143-148 (2008)