Line list for the rovibrational spectrum of (26Mg)(1H), published in ref [1], in standard Exomol format. The .states and .trans files contain the following fields: =============================================================================== 26Mg-1H__Yadin.states =============================================================================== i I12 --- state ID E F12.6 cm-1 state energy gtot I6 --- total state degeneracy J F7.1 --- total angular momentum quantum number (excluding nuclear spin): half-odd integer par A1 --- total parity: '+' or '-' v I4 --- vibrational quantum number N I4 --- total angular momentum quantum number excluding spin kp A1 --- "Kronig" rotationless parity: 'e' or 'f' =============================================================================== 26Mg-1H__Yadin.trans =============================================================================== i' I12 --- upper state ID i" I12 --- lower state ID A ES10.4 s-1 Einstein A-factor nu F12.6 cm-1 transition wavenumber E" F12.6 cm-1 lower state energy Np I3 --- upper state total angular momentum quantum number excluding spin vp I3 --- upper state vibrational quantum number Npp I3 --- lower state total angular momentum quantum number excluding spin vpp I3 --- lower state vibrational quantum number gp I6 --- upper state total degenaracy gpp I6 --- lower state total degenaracy [1] B. Yadin, T. Veness, P. Conti, C. Hill, S. N. Yurchenko, J. Tennyson, "ExoMol line lists – I. The rovibrational spectrum of BeH, MgH and CaH in the X 2Σ+ state", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 425, 34-43 (2012)