A theoretical room-temperature line list for 15NH3 Sergei N. Yurchenko JQSRT (2014) =============================================================================== Abstract: A new room temperature line list for 15NH3 is presented. This line list comprised of transition frequencies and Einstein coefficients has been generated using the 'spectroscopic' potential energy surface NH3-Y2010 and an ab initio dipole moment surface. The 15NH3 line list is based on the same same computational procedure used for the the line list for 14NH3 BYTe reported recently and should be as accurate. Comparisons with experimental frequencies and intensities are presented. Description: The data are in two parts. The first, BYTe-15.states contains a list of 2 394 478 rovibrational states of 15NH3. It also includes some states (J=0) with gns=0.0. Each state is labelled with: seven normal mode vibrational quantum numbers and the vibrational symmetry; three rotational quantum numbers including the total angular momentum J and rotational symmetry; the total symmetry quantum number Gamma. In addition there are six local mode vibrational numbers and the largest coeffecient used to assign the state in question. Each rovibrational state has a unique number, which is the number of the row in which it appears in the file. This number is the means by which the state is related to the second part of the data system, the transitions files. The total degeneracy is also given to facilitate the intensity calculations. The 80 transition files BYTe-15-*.trans contain 80 515 767 transitions given by three columns: the reference number in the energy file of the upper state; that of the lower state; and the Einstein A coefficient of the transition. The transitions ordered by increasing frequency. There is a Fortran 90 programme, spectrum_exomol.f90 which may be used to generate synthetic spectra. Using this, it is possible to generate absorption or emission spectra in either 'stick' form or else cross-sections convoluted with a gaussian with the half-width at half maximum being specified by the user, or with a the temperature-dependent doppler It can also generate the partition function for a set of temperatures (see spectra_partfunc.inp). half-width. Sample input files spectra_*.inp for use with spectrum_exomol.f90 are supplied. File Summary: ReadMe.dat This file spectrum_exomol.f90 Programme for generating spectra spectra_partfunc.inp Illustration of 'partfunc' input file spectra_stick.inp Illustration of 'stick' input file spectra_doppl.inp Illustration of 'doppl' input file spectra_gauss.inp Illustration of 'gauss' input file BYTe-15.states Labelled rovibrational states BYTe-15-*.trans Transition files with frequency-ordered transitions