=============================================================================== ExoMol molecular line lists -- XLII: Rovibronic molecular line list for the low-lying states of NO Qianwei Qu, Sergei N. Yurchenko, and Jonathan Tennyson MNRAS 2021 An accurate line list, called XABC, is computed for nitric oxide which covers its pure rotational, vibrational and rovibronic spectra. A mixture of empirical and theoretical electronic transition dipole moments are used for the final calculation of 14N16O rovibronic transitions belong to the A2Sigma+ -- X2Pi, B2Pi -- X2Pi and C2Pi -- X2Pi which correspond to the gamma, beta and delta band systems, respectively, as well as minor improvements to transitions within the X2Pi ground state. The work is a major update of the ExoMol NOname line list. It provides a high-accuracy NO ultraviolet line list covering the complicated regions where the B-C states interact. XABC provides comprehensive data for the lowest four doublet states of NO in the region of the wavelength is longer than 160 nm (wavenumber < 63000 cm-1) for the analysis of atmospheric NO on Earth, Venus or Mars, other astronomical observations and applications. Description: The states file .states contains lists of rovibronic states. Each state is labelled with the total angular momentum, state degeneracy, total parity, vibrational quantum number, projection of the electronic, spin and total angular momenta. Each state has a unique number, which is the number of the row in which it appears in the file. This number is the means by which the state is related to the second part of the data system, the transitions files. The lifetimes and Lande-g factors are also provided. The transition file .trans contains four columns: the reference number in the energy file of the upper state, that of the lower state, the Einstein A coefficient of the transition and the transition wavenumber. These entries are ordered by increasing frequency. The .pf files contain the partition function (0...5000 K) tabulated in steps of 1 K. The pf_param.dat contains unitless expansion parameters Byte-by-byte description of file: .trans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 12 I12 --- i' Upper state ID 13 - 25 I13 --- i" Lower state ID 26 - 37 E12.4 s-1 A Einstein A-coefficient of the transition 38 - 53 f16.6 cm-1 nu Transition wavenumber ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of the states file: .states ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 12 i12 --- N State ID, non-negative integer index 13- 27 f15.6 cm-1 E State energy term value in cm-1 28- 34 i7 --- g Total state degeneracy 35- 42 f8.1 --- J [0/184.5] J-quantum number, the total angular momentum excluding nuclear spin 43- 55 f13.6 cm-1 Delta E Energy uncertainty in cm-1 56- 68 e13.4 s-1 tau Life time 69- 78 f10.6 --- g Lande g-factor 79- 82 a4 --- +/- Total parity 83- 86 a4 --- e/f Rotationless-parity 87- 96 a10 --- State Notation of the electronic state 97-100 i4 --- v State vibrational quantum number 101-105 i5 --- Lambda Projection of electonic angular momentum 106-111 f6.1 --- Sigma Projection of the electronic spin 112-117 f6.1 --- Omega Projection of the total angular momentum 118-121 a4 --- Ca/EH/Ma/Sh Calculated (Ca), Effective Hamiltonian (EH) MARVEL (Ma), Shifted from calculation (Sh) 122-135 f14.6 cm-1 E_Duo Calculated energy term value in cm-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of the partition function files *.pf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 13 f13.3 K T Temperature 15- 34 e20.8 --- Q Partition function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contacts: J. Tennyson, j.tennyson@ucl.ac.uk S.N. Yurchenko, s.yurchenko@ucl.ac.uk ===============================================================================