1 (number of intensity files) P14N.trans (Transition file) P14N.states (Energy file) none (swap file) 8 298.0 1.06102753E+03 (temperature and partition function, part. func. is computred if the input is negative) 0.000000 8000.00 500001 (frequency range and number of grid points) doppl (gauss or doppl - type of profile or - or stick for the stick diagram) absorption (absorption, emission, or partfunc) 45.0 (line half width (HWFM) for gauss, effective mass for doppl, bin width for bin and intensity threshold for stick) 1e-60 (intensity threshold for gauss and doppl) Explanation: "doppl" is to produce absorption (cm^2/molecule) or emission (erg cm/s molecule-1 sr-1) cross-sections where the lines are convolved using the doppler profile with the effective mass defined by the penultimate line