1 (number of intensity files) P14N.trans (Transition file) P14N.states (Energy file) none (swap file) 8 298.0 1.06102753E+03 (temperature and partition function, part. func. is computred if the input is negative) 0.000000 8000.00 500001 (frequency range and number of grid points) stick (gauss,bin or doppl - type of profile - or stick for a stick diagram) absorption (absorption, emission, or partfunc) 1e-24 (intensity threshold for stick, line half width (HWFM) for gauss, effective mass for doppl, bin width for bin and ) 1e-60 (intensity threshold for gauss and doppl) Explanation: "stick" is to produce a stick-like spectrum (cm/molecule or erg/s molecule-1 sr-1) where the height is the absorption intensity. The assignemnt of the transition is printed out as well.