Exomol molecular line lists 6: A high temperature line list for Phosphorus Nitride Leo Yorke, Sergei N. Yurchenko, Lorenzo Lodi and Jonathan Tennyson MNRAS (2014) =============================================================================== Abstract: Accurate rotational-vibrational line lists for two isitopologues of PN in their ground electronic states are computed. The line lists are produced using an empirical potential energy curve obtained by fitting to the experimental transition frequencies available in the literature in conjunction with an accurate, high level ab initio dipole moment curve. In these calculations the programs DPotFit and LEVEL 8.0 were used. The new line lists reproduce the experimental wavenumbers with a root-mean-square error of 0.004 cm-1. The line lists cover the frequency range 0-51000 cm-1, contain almost 700000 lines each and extend up to a maximum vibrational level of v=66 and a maximum rotational level of J=357. They should be applicable for a large range of temperature up to, at least, 5000 K. These new line lists are used to simulate spectra for PN at a range of temperatures and are deposited in the Strasbourg data centre. This work is part of the ExoMol project [Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 425, 21 (2012).]. Description: The data are in two parts: .states contain lists of rovibrational states of PN. Each state is labelled with the total angular momentum J and the vibrational quantum number v and represented by a unique number, which is the number of the row in which it appears in the .states file. This number is the means by which the state is related to the second part of the data system, the transitions files. The total degeneracy is also given to facilitate the intensity calculations. The transition files .trans contain transitions given by three columns: the reference number in the energy file of the upper state for the isotopologue in question; that of the lower state; and the Einstein A coefficient of the transition. The transitions ordered by increasing frequency. There is a Fortran 90 programme, spectrum_exomol.f90 which may be used to generate synthetic spectra (see spectrum_exomol.txt for details). Using this, it is possible to generate absorption or emission spectra in either 'stick' form or else cross-sections convoluted with a gaussian with the half-width at half maximum being specified by the user, or with a the temperature-dependent doppler half-width. Sample input files with spectrum_exomol.f90 are supplied. File Summary: ReadMe.dat This file 31P-14N__YYLT_T300_pf.inp Illustration of 'partfunc' input file 31P-14N__YYLT_T300_stick.inp Illustration of 'stick' input file 31P-14N__YYLT_doppl.inp Illustration of 'doppl' input file 31P-14N__YYLT_gauss.inp Illustration of 'gauss' input file 31P-14N__YYLT_bin.inp Illustration of 'bin' input file 31P-14N__YYLT.trans Frequency-ordered transitions for P14N 31P-15N__YYLT.trans Frequency-ordered transitions for P15N 31P-14N__YYLT.states Labelled rovibrational states of P14N 31P-15N__YYLT.states Labelled rovibrational states of P15N 31P-14N__YYLT.dat Partition function for P14N 31P-15N__YYLT.dat Partition function for P15N 31P-14N__YYLT_level.inp Level8.0 input file used to produce P14N line list. PN_PEC-A_and_PEC-S.xls Excel spreadsheet containing PEC-A, PEC-S and the DMC.