ExoAmes cool line list for (32S)(16O)2 =============================================================================== Description: The data are in two parts. The first, 32S-16O2__ExoAmes.states contains a list of rovibrational states. Each state is labelled with 3 vibrational (v1, v2, v3) and 3 rotational (J, Ka, Kc) quantum numbers and total parity. The total degeneracy is also given to facilitate the intensity calculations. Because of their size, the transitions are listed in 80 separate files, each containing all the transitions in a 100cm-1 frequency range. These and their contents are ordered by increasing frequency. The name of the file includes the lowest frequency in the range and the upper frequency limit; thus the 32S-16O2__ExoAmes__00500-00600.trans file contains all the transitions in the frequency range 500-600cm-1 but not including 600cm-1. The transition files 32S-16O2__ExoAmes__xxxxx-yyyyy.trans contain three columns: the reference number in the energy file of the upper state; that of the lower state; and the Einstein A coefficient of the transition. The energy file and the transitions files are zipped, and need to be extracted before use. File Summary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe.dat This file 32S-16O2__ExoAmes.states labelled rovibrational states 32S-16O2__ExoAmes__xxxxx-yyyyy.trans 80 Transition files (Einstein coefficients, 1/s) divided into 100 cm-1 frequency pieces. The transitions are sorted according with wavenumber. xxxxx is the lower wavenumber bound, yyyyy is the upper wavenumber limit. See below for the description of columns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of file: 32S-16O2__ExoAmes__xxxxx-yyyyy.trans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 12 I12 --- i" Upper state ID 14 - 25 I12 --- i' Lower state ID 27 - 36 E10.4 s-1 A Einstein A-coefficient of the transition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of files: 32S-16O2__ExoAmes.states ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 12 I12 --- i Energy level index 14 - 25 F12.6 cm-1 E State energy in wavenumbers 27 - 32 I6 --- Gtot Total state degeneracy 34 - 40 I7 --- J Rotational quantum number 42 A1 --- p Total parity given by (-1)^(J+p) 44 - 45 I2 --- v1 Symmetric stretch quantum number 47 - 48 I2 --- v2 Symmetric bend quantum number 50 - 51 I2 --- v3 Asymmetric stretch quantum number 53 - 54 I2 --- Ka Asymmetric top quantum number 56 - 57 I2 --- Kc Asymmetric top quantum number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: D. Underwood, daniel.underwood@ucl.ac.uk S.N. Yurchenko, s.yurchenko@ucl.ac.uk J. Tennyson, j.tennyson@ucl.ac.uk ===============================================================================