EBJT Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO. The files comprising this line list are in the standard ExoMol format, and are named XXSi-YYO__EBJT.states and .trans, where XX and YY are the mass numbers of the silicon and oxygen isotopes, respectively. The isotopologues covered are: (28Si)(16O) (28Si)(17O) (28Si)(18O) (29Si)(16O) (30Si)(16O) The partition functions from 5 - 9000 K in 5 K intervals for these isotopologues of SiO are also provided in files names XXSi-YYO__EBJT.pf and consist of two columns (T/K followed by Q). The columns in the .states files are: -------------------------------------------------- Bytes Units Explanation -------------------------------------------------- 1-12 -- State ID 14-25 cm-1 State energy 27-32 -- Total state degeneracy(1) 34-40 -- Rotational quantum number, J 42-54 s Life time (Inf=infinite,NaN=not a number, which means not available) 55-58 -- Vibrational quantum number, v -------------------------------------------------- (1) Total state degeneracy includes nuclear spin degeneracy, where applicable. Nuclear spins are I(28Si)=0, I(29Si)=0.5, I(30Si)=0, I(16O)=0, I(17O)=2.5, I(18O)=0. The columns in the .trans files are: -------------------------------------------------- Bytes Units Explanation -------------------------------------------------- 1-12 -- Upper state ID 14-25 -- Lower state ID 27-36 s-1 Einstein A-coefficient 38-52 cm-1 Transition frequency -------------------------------------------------- Contacts: Jonathan Tennyson: j.tennyson@ucl.ac.uk Christian Hill: christian.hill@ucl.ac.uk