Line list for the rovibrational spectrum of (48Ti)(1H), published in ref [1], in standard Exomol format. The .states and .trans files contain the following fields: =============================================================================== 48Ti-1H__Bernath.states =============================================================================== i I12 --- state ID E F12.6 cm-1 state energy gtot I6 --- total state degeneracy J F7.1 --- total angular momentum quantum number (excluding nuclear spin): half-odd integer v I4 --- vibrational quantum number Omega F4.1 --- omega par A4 --- rotationless parity: 'e' or 'f' par A4 --- total parity: '+' or '-' eS A9 --- electronic state =============================================================================== 48Ti-1H__Yueqi.trans =============================================================================== i' I12 --- upper state ID i" I12 --- lower state ID A ES10.4 s-1 Einstein A-factor The partition function from 1 - 4800 K in 1 K intervals interpolated from [1] is provided in file and consists of two columns (T/K followed by Q). [1] Burrows A, Dulick M, Bauschlicher C. SPECTROSCOPIC CONSTANTS, ABUNDANCES, AND OPACITIES OF THE TiH MOLECULE. The Astrophysical Journal 2005; 624(2005):988-1002.