The BT2 dataset for 1H216O: Specific heat - heat capacitys


Spectroscopic Model

BT2: other States files

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Barber, R. J., Tennyson, J., Harris, G. J., Tolchenov, R. N., "A high-accuracy computed water line list", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1087-1094 (2006). [link to article][06BaTeHa.H2O]

BT2: line list

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Barber, R. J., Tennyson, J., Harris, G. J., Tolchenov, R. N., "A high-accuracy computed water line list", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1087-1094 (2006). [link to article][06BaTeHa.H2O]

BT2: partition function

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Barber, R. J., Tennyson, J., Harris, G. J., Tolchenov, R. N., "A high-accuracy computed water line list", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1087-1094 (2006). [link to article][06BaTeHa.H2O]

BT2: broadening coefficients

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Voronin, B. A., Lavrentyeva, N. N., Mishina, T. P., Chesnokova, T. Y., Barber, M. J., Tennyson, J., "Estimate of the J'J'' dependence of water vapor line broadening parameters", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111, 2308-2314 (2010). [link to article][10VoLaMi.H2O]
  2. Voronin, B. A., Lavrentieva, N. N., Lugovskoy, A. A., "Self- and air-broadening coefficients of HD16O spectral lines", Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 25, 27-34 (2012). [link to article][12VoLaLu.H2O]
  3. Barton, E. J., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Dudaryonok, A. S., Lavrentieva, N. N., "Pressure-dependent water absorption cross-sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 187, 453-460 (2017). [link to article][17BaHiYu.H2O]
  4. Solodov, A. M., Starikov, V. I., "Broadening and shift of lines of the v2+v3 band of water vapour induced by helium pressure", Optics and Spectroscopy, 105, 14-20 (2008). [link to article][08SoStxx.H2O]
  5. Solodov, A. M., Starikov, V. I., "Helium-induced halfwidths and line shifts of water vapour transitions of the v1 + v2 and v2 + v3 bands", Molecular Physics 107, 43-51 (2009). [link to article][09SoStxx.H2O]
  6. Petrova, T. M., Solodov, A. M., Solodov, A. A.,Starikov, V. I., "Vibrational dependence of an intermolecular potential for H2O–He system", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 129, 241-253 (2013). [link to article][13PeSoSo.H2O]
  7. Petrova, T. M., Solodov, A. M., Starikov, V. I., Solodov, A. A., "Measurements and calculations of He-broadening and -shifting parameters of the water vapour transitions of the ν1 + ν2 + ν3 band", Molecular Physics 110, 1493-1503 (2012). [link to article][12PeSoSt.H2O]
  8. Petrova, T. M., Solodov, A. M., Solodov, A. A., Starikov, V. I., "Broadening parameters of the H2O–He collisional system for astrophysical applications", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 321, 50-58 (2016). [link to article][16PeSoSo.H2O]

BT2: cross section

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Barber, R. J., Tennyson, J., Harris, G. J., Tolchenov, R. N., "A high-accuracy computed water line list", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368, 1087-1094 (2006). [link to article][06BaTeHa.H2O]
  2. Barton, E. J., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Dudaryonok, A. S., Lavrentieva, N. N., "Pressure-dependent water absorption cross-sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 187, 453-460 (2017). [link to article][17BaHiYu.H2O]

BT2: Specific heat - heat capacity

The BT2 calculated high-temperature water line list


  1. Furtenbacher, T, Szidarovszky, T. , Hruby, J., Kyuberis, A.A., Zobov, N.F., Polyansky, O.L., Tennyson, J., Csaszar, A.G., "Definitive high-temperature ideal-gas thermochemical functions of the H216O molecule", Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 45, 043104-1-043104-14 (2016). [link to article]