Jonathan received the award in the category “Inspire – public outreach” with the Orbyts project.
The ExoMol project provides extensive molecule line lists (lists of transition frequencies and associated Einstein A coefficients) for use in studies of exoplanet and other hot atmospheres.
The ExoMol database has undergone a major upgrade providing both more comprehensive sets of data, ie more molecules, and a richer set of data, ie more features. The newly implemented data structure augments the provision of energy levels (and hence transition frequencies) and Einstein A coefficients with other key properties, including pressure-broadening parameters, lifetimes of individual states, temperature-dependent cooling functions, Landé g-factors, partition functions, cross sections, k-coefficients and transition dipoles with phase relations. Particular attention has been paid to the treatment of pressure broadening parameters. The new data structure includes a definition file which provides the necessary information for utilities accessing ExoMol through its application programming interface (API).
This new upgrade is fully documented in a recently published article (Tennyson et al., 2016, J. Molec. Spectrosc. 327, 73 and also on arXiv).
We welcome comments, feedback and suggestions for improvements and new molecules.
Alec from ExoMol talks about life as a PhD student: My PhD takes me into a world of space molecules and alien fart jokes.
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