The SiOUVenIR dataset for 28Si16O: opacitys


Spectroscopic Model

SiOUVenIR: line list

Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO by Yurchenko+2021


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Syme, A.M., Adam, A.Y. Clark, V.H.J, Cooper, B., Dobney, C.P., Donnelly, S.T.E., Gorman, M.N., Lynas-Gray, A.E., Meltzer, T. Owens, A., Qu, Q. Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Upadhyay, A., Wright, S., Zapata Trujillo, J.C., "ExoMol line lists - XLIV. IR and UV line list of silicon monoxide (16Si16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 903-919 (2021). [link to article]

SiOUVenIR: partition function

Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO by Yurchenko+2021


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Syme, A.M., Adam, A.Y. Clark, V.H.J, Cooper, B., Dobney, C.P., Donnelly, S.T.E., Gorman, M.N., Lynas-Gray, A.E., Meltzer, T. Owens, A., Qu, Q. Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Upadhyay, A., Wright, S., Zapata Trujillo, J.C., "ExoMol line lists - XLIV. IR and UV line list of silicon monoxide (16Si16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 903-919 (2021). [link to article]

SiOUVenIR: Specific heat - heat capacity

Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO by Yurchenko+2021


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Syme, A.M., Adam, A.Y. Clark, V.H.J, Cooper, B., Dobney, C.P., Donnelly, S.T.E., Gorman, M.N., Lynas-Gray, A.E., Meltzer, T. Owens, A., Qu, Q. Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Upadhyay, A., Wright, S., Zapata Trujillo, J.C., "ExoMol line lists - XLIV. IR and UV line list of silicon monoxide (16Si16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 903-919 (2021). [link to article]

SiOUVenIR: broadening coefficients

Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO by Yurchenko+2021


  1. Buldyreva, J., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "Simple semi-classical model of pressure-broadened infrared/microwave linewidths in the temperature range 200-3000 K.", RAS Techniques and Instruments 1, 43-47 (2022). [link to article]
  2. Guest, E.R., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S.N., "Modelling the Rotational Dependence of Line Broadening using Machine Learning", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (2024).

SiOUVenIR: opacity

Calculated line lists, energy levels and partition sums for isotopologues of SiO by Yurchenko+2021


  1. Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Syme, A.M., Adam, A.Y. Clark, V.H.J, Cooper, B., Dobney, C.P., Donnelly, S.T.E., Gorman, M.N., Lynas-Gray, A.E., Meltzer, T. Owens, A., Qu, Q. Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Upadhyay, A., Wright, S., Zapata Trujillo, J.C., "ExoMol line lists - XLIV. IR and UV line list of silicon monoxide (16Si16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 903-919 (2021). [link to article]