The Trihybrid dataset for 13C14N: partition functions


Spectroscopic Model

Trihybrid: line list

Trihybrid Experimental-Perturbative-Variational line list for CN in standard ExoMol format


  1. Brooke, J. S. A., Ram, R. S., Western, C. M., Li, G., Schwenke, D. W., Bernath, P. F., "Einstein a coefficients and oscillator strengths for the A 2Π-X 2Σ+ (Red) and B 2Σ+ - X 2Σ+ (Violet) systems and rovibrational transitions in the X 2Σ+ state of CN", Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 210, 23 (2014). [link to article][14BrRaWe.CN]
  2. Syme, A. M., McKemmish, L. K., "Full spectroscopic model and trihybrid experimental perturbation variational line list for CN", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4383-4395 (2021). [link to article][21SyMcxx.CN]

Trihybrid: partition function

Trihybrid Experimental-Perturbative-Variational line list for CN in standard ExoMol format


  1. Syme, A. M., McKemmish, L. K., "Full spectroscopic model and trihybrid experimental perturbation variational line list for CN", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4383-4395 (2021). [link to article][21SyMcxx.CN]