The WCCRMT dataset for 14N2: partition functions


Spectroscopic Model

WCCRMT: line list

A line list for the triplet system of N2 constructed by Western et al. (2018) and extended by Jans (2024) to include the C-B system. Generated using PGOPHER.


  1. Western, C. M., Carter-Blatchford, L., Crozet, P., Ross, A. J., Morville, J., Tokaryk, D. W., "The spectrum of N2 from 4,500 to 15,700 cm−1 revisited with PGOPHER", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 219, 127-141 (2018). [link to article][18WeCaCr]
  2. Western, C. M., "PGOPHER, A Program for Simulating Rotational, Vibrational and Electronic Spectra", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 186, 221-242 (2016). [link to article]
  3. Shemansky D. E. Shemansky, "N2 Vegard–Kaplan System in Absorption", The Journal of Chemical Physics 51, 689-700 (1969). [link to article]
  4. Jans, E.R., "Rovibronic molecular line list for the N2(C3Πu−B3Πg second positive system", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 312, 108809 (2024). [link to article]

WCCRMT: partition function

A line list for the triplet system of N2 constructed by Western et al. (2018) and extended by Jans (2024) to include the C-B system. Generated using PGOPHER.


  1. Gamache, R.R., Orphanos, N.G., "Thermodynamic Functions for N2 from the Total Partition Sum and its Moments", Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 52, 023101-1-023101-10 (2023). [link to article]

WCCRMT: cooling function

A line list for the triplet system of N2 constructed by Western et al. (2018) and extended by Jans (2024) to include the C-B system. Generated using PGOPHER.


  1. Gamache, R.R., Orphanos, N.G., "Thermodynamic Functions for N2 from the Total Partition Sum and its Moments", Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 52, 023101-1-023101-10 (2023). [link to article]

WCCRMT: other States files

A line list for the triplet system of N2 constructed by Western et al. (2018) and extended by Jans (2024) to include the C-B system. Generated using PGOPHER.


  1. Western, C. M., Carter-Blatchford, L., Crozet, P., Ross, A. J., Morville, J., Tokaryk, D. W., "The spectrum of N2 from 4,500 to 15,700 cm−1 revisited with PGOPHER", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 219, 127-141 (2018). [link to article][18WeCaCr]
  2. Western, C. M., "PGOPHER, A Program for Simulating Rotational, Vibrational and Electronic Spectra", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 186, 221-242 (2016). [link to article]
  3. Shemansky D. E. Shemansky, "N2 Vegard–Kaplan System in Absorption", The Journal of Chemical Physics 51, 689-700 (1969). [link to article]

WCCRMT: broadening coefficients

A line list for the triplet system of N2 constructed by Western et al. (2018) and extended by Jans (2024) to include the C-B system. Generated using PGOPHER.
