The MoLLIST-NH dataset for 14N1H: partition functions


Spectroscopic Model

MoLLIST-NH: line list

Empirical Diatomic line lists MoLLIST for NH from Bernath lab ( in standard ExoMol format [Tennyson and Yurchenko (2016)]


  1. Brooke, J. S. A., Bernath, P. F., Western, C. M., van Hemert, M. C., Groenenboom, G. C., "Line strengths of rovibrational and rotational transitions within the X3Σ- ground state of NH", Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 54310 (2014). [link to article][14BrBeWe.NH]
  2. Fernando, A. M., Bernath, P. F., Hodges, J. N., Masseron, T., "A new linelist for the A3 P - X3 transition of the NH free radical", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 217, 29-34 (2018). [link to article][18FeBeHo.NH]
  3. Brooke, J. S. A., Bernath, P. F., Western, C. M., "Note: Improved line strengths of rovibrational and rotational transitions within the X 3Σ ground state of NH", The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 026101/1-3 (2015). [link to article][15BrBeWe.NH]
  4. Bernath, P.F., "MoLLIST: Molecular Line Lists, Intensities and Spectra", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 240, 106687 (2020). [link to article]

MoLLIST-NH: partition function

Empirical Diatomic line lists MoLLIST for NH from Bernath lab ( in standard ExoMol format [Tennyson and Yurchenko (2016)]


  1. Sauval, A. J., Tatum, J. B., "A set of partition functions and equilibrium constants for 300 diatomic molecules of astrophysical interest", Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 56, 193-209 (1984). [link to article][84SaTaxx.FeH]

MoLLIST-NH: opacity

Empirical Diatomic line lists MoLLIST for NH from Bernath lab ( in standard ExoMol format [Tennyson and Yurchenko (2016)]


  1. Brooke, J. S. A., Bernath, P. F., Western, C. M., van Hemert, M. C., Groenenboom, G. C., "Line strengths of rovibrational and rotational transitions within the X3Σ- ground state of NH", Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 54310 (2014). [link to article][14BrBeWe.NH]
  2. Brooke, J. S. A., Bernath, P. F., Western, C. M., "Note: Improved line strengths of rovibrational and rotational transitions within the X 3Σ ground state of NH", The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 026101/1-3 (2015). [link to article][15BrBeWe.NH]
  3. Bernath, P.F., "MoLLIST: Molecular Line Lists, Intensities and Spectra", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 240, 106687 (2020). [link to article]
  4. Chubb, K. L., Rocchetto, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Min, M., Waldmann, I., Barstow, J. K., Molliere, P., Al-Refaie, A. F, Phillips, M. W., Tennyson, J., "The ExoMolOP database: Cross sections and k-tables for molecules of interest in high-temperature exoplanet atmospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A21 (2020). [link to article][20ChRoYu.]

MoLLIST-NH: broadening coefficients

Empirical Diatomic line lists MoLLIST for NH from Bernath lab ( in standard ExoMol format [Tennyson and Yurchenko (2016)]


  1. Buldyreva, J., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "Simple semi-classical model of pressure-broadened infrared/microwave linewidths in the temperature range 200-3000 K.", RAS Techniques and Instruments 1, 43-47 (2022). [link to article]
  2. Guest, E.R., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S.N., "Modelling the Rotational Dependence of Line Broadening using Machine Learning", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (2024).