The HITEMP dataset for 14N16O: partition functions


HITEMP: line list (external)

The HITEMP high temperature molecular line list


  1. Rothman, L. S., Gordon, I. E., Barber, R. J., Dothe, H., Gamache, R. R., Goldman, A., Perevalov, V. I., Tashkun, S. A., Tennyson, J., "HITEMP, the high-temperature molecular spectroscopic database", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111, 2139-2150 (2010). [link to article][10RoGoBa.CO]

HITEMP: partition function

The HITEMP high temperature molecular line list


  1. Rothman, L. S., Gordon, I. E., Barber, R. J., Dothe, H., Gamache, R. R., Goldman, A., Perevalov, V. I., Tashkun, S. A., Tennyson, J., "HITEMP, the high-temperature molecular spectroscopic database", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111, 2139-2150 (2010). [link to article][10RoGoBa.CO]

HITEMP: opacity

The HITEMP high temperature molecular line list


  1. Rothman, L. S., Gordon, I. E., Barber, R. J., Dothe, H., Gamache, R. R., Goldman, A., Perevalov, V. I., Tashkun, S. A., Tennyson, J., "HITEMP, the high-temperature molecular spectroscopic database", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111, 2139-2150 (2010). [link to article][10RoGoBa.CO]
  2. Chubb, K. L., Rocchetto, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Min, M., Waldmann, I., Barstow, J. K., Molliere, P., Al-Refaie, A. F, Phillips, M. W., Tennyson, J., "The ExoMolOP database: Cross sections and k-tables for molecules of interest in high-temperature exoplanet atmospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A21 (2020). [link to article][20ChRoYu.]