The xsec-MoLLIST dataset for 12C31P: cross sections


xsec-MoLLIST: cross section

Online absorption cross section service: this cross section has been generated from the line lists MoLLIST by P. F. Bernath [Burrows et al. (2005)] for the ExoMol project [Tennyson and Yurchenko (2012)] using the procedure described in [Hill et al. (2013)].


  1. Ram, R. S., Brooke, J. S. A., Western, C. M., Bernath, P. F., "Einstein A values and oscillator strengths of the A 2Π – X 2Σ+ system of CP", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 138, 107-115 (2014). [link to article][14RaBrWe.CP]