The xsec-Coxon-Hajig dataset for 1H19F: cross sections


xsec-Coxon-Hajig: cross section

Online absorption cross section service: this HF cross section has been generated from the Coxon-Hajig line list using the procedure described in [Hill et al. (2013)].


  1. Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Temperature-dependent molecular absorption cross sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Icarus 226, 1673-1677 (2013). [link to article][13HiYuTe.SO2]
  2. Li, G., Gordon, I. E., Le Roy, R. J., Hajigeorgiou, P. G., Coxon, J. A., Bernath, P. F., Rothman, L. S., "Reference spectroscopic data for hydrogen halides. Part I: Construction and validation of the ro-vibrational dipole moment functions", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 121, 78-90 (2013). [link to article][13LiGoLe.HCl]
  3. Coxon, J. A., Hajigeorgiou, P. G., "Improved direct potential fit analyses for the ground electronic states of the hydrogen halides: HF/DF/TF, HCl/DCl/TCl, HBr/DBr/TBr and HI/DI/TI", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 151, 133-154 (2015). [link to article][15CoHaxx.HF]