The xsec-VUV-Venot-2018 dataset for 12C16O2


Spectrum overview

xsec-VUV-Venot-2018: Photo-dissociation cross sections

Experimental temperature-dependent far-UV absorption cross sections (cm2/molecule) vs wavelength (nm) by Venot et al. (2018).


  1. Venot, O., Bénilan, Y., Fray, N., Gazeau, M.-C., Lefèvre, F., Es-sebbar, E., Hébrard, E., Schwell, M., Bahrini, C., Montmessin, F., Lefèvre, M., Waldmann, I. P., "VUV-absorption cross section of carbon dioxide from 150 to 800 K and applications to warm exoplanetary atmospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, A34 (2018). [link to article]