27Al16O ATP spectroscopic model

Code used:

Duo - need version from SY


Duo input file, 27Al-16O__ATP__DUO.inp, used to create line list for for isotopologue 27Al-16O

Implementation Notes:

Refined potential energy curves. Refined angular momentum curves for the coupling between the states X2Sigma+ and A2Pi and B2Sigma+ and A2Pi, respectively. Three refined spin-orbit coupling curves for the couplings between A2Pi and A2Pi', X2Sigma+ and A2Pi, and B2Sigma+ and A2Pi.

Ab initio dipole moment curves. The ab initio calculations were performed using MOLPRO (Werner et al. 2010); we used multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) methods with different choices of basis sets. Our optimal basis choice was aug-cc-pVQZ; the active space used in MOLPRO representation was (9,4,4).

ZPE = 487.77 cm-1. 



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