75As1H3 CYT18 spectroscopic model

Code used:

TROVEĀ https://github.com/Trovemaster/TROVE, versionĀ j-trove2609.x


There were four step inputs into TROVE, used to determine the line list, potential energy surface (PES) and dipole moment surface (DMS) for 75As-1H3:

1) ash3_TROVE_step1.inp - computes and saves Hamiltonian matrix and dipole matrix. Computes vibrational eigenfunctions
2) ash3_TROVE_step2.inp - converts to J=0 representation
3) ash3_TROVE_step3.inp - computes rovibrational wavefunctions and eigenvalues for different Js. Input file is for J=0.
In BASIS section 'Jrot 0' should be changed to 'Jrot 1' to compute J=1 values, 'Jrot 2' for J=2 etc.
4) ash3_TROVE_step4.inp - computes intensities for J pairs. Sample file is for transitions between J=0 and J=1.
In INTENSITIES section change 'J 0,1' to 'J 1,2' to compute transitions for J pair J=1,2

The PES and DMS are those reported in Coles et al. 2019 "A varitionally computed room temperature line list for AsH3", and are available in the publication's supplementary material.



  1. Coles, P. H., Yurchenko, S. N., Kovacich, R. P., Hobby, J., Tennyson. J., "A variationally computed room temperature line list for AsH3", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 3264-3277 (2019). [link to article][19CoYuKo.AsH3]