Cross section data for 1H35Cl

Reminder: the cross sections provided by this page are calculated at zero-pressure (i.e. Doppler-broadened lines only). If you enter your email address below it will only be used to inform you of fixes to the service in case it fails. Alternatively, please email

The default format of the .sigma data file is a single column of cross section points (in cm2/molec), one for each wavenumber bin selected, starting at νmin and spaced by Δν. Select two-column output below if you want each cross section point preceded explicitly by the wavenumber at the centre of the bin it applies to.

Online absorption cross section service: this cross section has been generated from data in the HITRAN-HCl line list using the procedure described in [Hill et al. (2013)].


  1. Li, G., Gordon, I. E., Bernath, P. F., Rothman, L. S., "Direct fit of experimental ro-vibrational intensities to the dipole moment function: Application to HCl", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112, 1543-1550 (2011). [link to article][11LiGoBe.HCl]