Note: unless otherwise stated, the broadening coefficients for the principal (most abundant) isotopologue can be used for other isotopologues of the same molecule.
- 27Al-1H__Ar.broad
AlH - Ar pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__CH4.broad
AlH - CH4 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__CO.broad
AlH - CO pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__CO2.broad
AlH - CO2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__H2.broad
AlH - H2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) for the m0 recipe, computed using the CRBM method, see Yurchenko et al. MNRAS (2023)
- 27Al-1H__H2O.broad
AlH - H2O pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__He.broad
AlH - He pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) for the m0 recipe, computed using the CRBM method, see Yurchenko et al. MNRAS (2023)
- 27Al-1H__N2.broad
AlH - N2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) for the m0 recipe, computed using the CRBM method, see Yurchenko et al. MNRAS (2023)
- 27Al-1H__NO.broad
AlH - NO pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__NH3.broad
AlH - NH3 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__O2.broad
AlH - O2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- 27Al-1H__self.broad
AlH - self pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) for the m0 recipe, computed using the CRBM method, see Yurchenko et al. MNRAS (2023)
- 27Al-1H__self__20231122.broad
AlH - self pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) computed using a semi-classical method in the a0 recipe (J-independent) by Buldyreva eta al., RASTI 1, 43 (2022)
- 27Al-1H__N2__20231122.broad
AlH - N2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) computed using a semi-classical method in the a0 recipe (J-independent) by Buldyreva eta al., RASTI 1, 43 (2022)
- 27Al-1H__H2__20231122.broad
AlH - H2 pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) computed using a semi-classical method in the a0 recipe (J-independent) by Buldyreva eta al., RASTI 1, 43 (2022)
- 27Al-1H__He__20231122.broad
AlH - He pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue) computed using a semi-classical method in the a0 recipe (J-independent) by Buldyreva eta al., RASTI 1, 43 (2022)
- 27Al-1H__air.broad
AlH - air pressure broadening parameters (main isotopologue).
- Barton, E. J., Hill, C., Czurylo, M., Li, H. Y., Hyslop, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "The ExoMol pressure broadening diet: H2 and He line-broadening parameters", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 203, 490-495 (2017). [link to article][17BaHiCz.H2]
- Yurchenko, S.N., Szajna, W., Hakalla, R., Semenov, M., Sokolov, A., Tennyson, J., Gamache, R.R., Pavlenko,Y., Schmidt, M.R., "ExoMol line lists - LIV: Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimetnal emission spectroscopy of AlD in A 1Π (v=0, 1, 2)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527, 9736-9756 (2023). [link to article]
- Buldyreva, J., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "Simple semi-classical model of pressure-broadened infrared/microwave linewidths in the temperature range 200-3000 K.", RAS Techniques and Instruments 1, 43-47 (2022). [link to article]
- Guest, E.R., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S.N., "Modelling the Rotational Dependence of Line Broadening using Machine Learning", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 401, 111901 (2024). [link to article]