The Ames-2016 dataset for 12C16O2


Spectrum overview

Ames-2016: line list

A line list for CO2 from the Ames group.


  1. Huang, X., Freedman, R. S., Tashkun, S. A., Schwenke, D. W., Lee, T. J., "Semi-empirical 12C16O2 IR line lists for simulations up to 1500 K and 20,000 cm-1", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 130, 134-146 (2013). [link to article][13HuFrTa.CO2]
  2. Huang, X., Schwenke, D. W., Freedman, R. S., Lee, T. J., "Ames-2016 line lists for 13 isotopologues of CO2: Updates, consistency and remaining issues", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopic and Radiative Transfer 203, 224-241 (2017). [link to article][17HuScFr.CO2]